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Tutorial: How To Install GMAP Folder To Mapsource, BaseCamp and MapInstall

Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:34 pm

Mapsource tutorial: How To Install GMAP Folder To Mapsource

Method 1:
this example uses "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder

Windows XP:
Copy "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder into

Vista, windows 7 and and above:

Copy "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder into
(e.g. C:\ProgramData\GARMIN\Maps or something like that all other languages)

Use Mapsource special - Download HERE
In Mapsource select map from menu View/Switch to products

And finaly go here Mapsource tutorial: Unlock Mapsource


Method 2:
This is very easy way for newbies and for peoples who want use USB disk (or any other)..
MapSource TIP: Use MapSource & GMAP anywhere


Method 3:

Download MapReverseConverter 4.2

1. Run MapReverseConverter 4.2
2. Push select button
3. Push other button
4. select .GMAP folder and push OK
5. Push Convert button
6. start mapsource
7. And finaly go here Mapsource tutorial: Unlock Mapsource


Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:14 am

I prefere

Method 1a:

this example uses "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder

Windows XP:

Copy a shortcut of "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder into

Vista and windows 7:

Copy a shortcut of "City Navigator North America NT 2011.31.gmap" folder into
(or something like that all other languages)
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