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Would some1 pls post tutorials for a. patching b. installing

Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:42 am

Hi, it is much appreciated the work people do to maintain this site, but it is almost incomprehensible for new arrivals, including myself. Please note I first registered 11 years ago.

I can do almost everything if I get an an explanation and a method. I can search and research also.

Here the information is buried in tons and tons of threads and often is obscure, incomplete and if it has a shred of clarity it does not even work.

Would someone kindly do a compile of instructions for a Garmin Nuvi

Right now I cannot:

a. Patch
Followed all the found intructions, to extract to a clearly formated FAT32 card (extract what is not clear, tried multiple things). Booted from turned off unit. NOTHING
No patching whatsoever.
If I keep doing the same I won't get a different result.

b. Installing Euro maps
Can't be done before doing a.
No clear instructions
No idea
Read tons and tons of posts to no avail

Once again I do not want to sound ungrateful. But this is the first time in 30 years of active internet duty that I come to a page for answers and I only get questions.

Advanced users and admins may understand each other but we newbies don't.

Thanks for any help, public or private.
Just need simple instructions I can follow.

Re: Would some1 pls post tutorials for a. patching b. instal

Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:34 am

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in to view hidden content.

This is how forums work, it is a collaborative effort not a paid for service where you turn up and someone does all the work for you.
Each of your previous posts have been answered the same day.
Not all Garmin devices are the same so require different approaches in your case your two devices require Patching before they can use unlocked maps.
Each device has it own Firmware determined by its HardWare ID if you use the wrong Firmware you can end up with a "brick" all of this is covered in the extensive Thread. So far I have spent my time showing you how to navigate the forum & use the search function.
Only once you have been able to Patch your devices is it worth discussing maps and the files required by your two different devices.
There is NO one shoe fits all solution ,that's why there is no Tutorial, but individual Threads covering different steps required dependent on which device.
There is a certain level of comprehension required to successfully achieve your goal, so good luck.

Re: Would some1 pls post tutorials for a. patching b. instal

Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:03 pm

Thanks for the lecture.
I have no idea what you mean with collaborative vs paid and and no one is expecting anyone to do the work for me. I have been online since 1992.

As expressed in my previous post, I have searched thoroughly and read a lot of stuff, but the information is sadly spread thin and disorganized.

It would be great to have stickies with clear cut tutorials instead of making of this a treasure hunt.
I am happy to contribute to that once I figure out what to do.

It is noted that you could have answered in a more helpful manner instead of choosing the words you chose.

Since I have 2 Units, a Nuvi 57 and a Nuvi 2789, I have the luxury of trying things out on both. Here are the latest results:

Nuvi 2789:
I extracted CORRECT patch to 8GB freshly formatted SD card, followed instructions, unit loads normally.
Tried this different times with different things.
SD card is detected and I can see it when I plug Nuvi to PC in MTP Autodetect, so card not faulty port ok.
Tried changing to Mass Storage, turned off, turned on, no joy.
Not sure what else can be done. Card is ok patch is ok, hardware is ok.
Still struggling with this.

Nuvi 57:
With the same 8GB SD card I extracted correct patch, followed instructions, it run the loader so it is presumably patched.
This works Euro maps installed.
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