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Fixing TMC reception with NC 9.4xx

Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:42 pm

To make sure this is the right fix for your device, check if these points are correct for you:
1. You can get working TMC with a different NC
2. NC 9.4xx does not find a signal to update the traffc info but shows the traffic bar on the screen
3. You have done a proper and clean installation of the 9.4xx
4. Your device is compatible with the NC - that means Home would offer you the NC as an update! and runs the correct emulation for your device (E.g.: a 730 in X30 Emu and a 720 in X20 Emu)

Only if the above 3 points are true in your case you can proceed, if one or more points are not true your problem might be elsewhere!\

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Correct procedure for the fix - read and follow!]
Step1 : Download the attachment and replace the mcxt.dat in the root of your device with the contents of the rar. 9.4xTMCfix.rar

Step2 : Do a hard reset (hold reset for 30+sec) followed by the TT clear flash tool.

Step3 : Connect your TMC receiver to your TT.

Step4 : Turn on your TT and wait for the green dot - with good reception it should not take more than 5 minutes.
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