Height v17   

Height v17

Postby tendriver » Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:18 pm

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09.07.10 (b17)
Now with additional font sizes '4' and '5'.
It is auto-installed from it's website.

Just extract the package, extract the "cab"-file in it and throw the file and the two directories in it onto your TT, root (topmost) directory. It is not compatible with TTMPlayer and will not work from scratch with ExecutionHelper, Timesync and Daylight. (You'd need to install Height, rename ttn to ttn.old and re-install ExecutionHelper) Height is shown only on the navigation screen, geoidal separation and position on screen are customizable via config-file, and it supports imperial units.
When the program is correctly configured, it should only show the altimeter on the navigation screen. If you come to the navigation screen and the only thing you see is a number with one to five digits without a unit, then that is not your height but that screens "id". Remember that id, change to day- or night-mode (whereever you weren't), and remember that number as well. Then connect your TT to your computer and modify the height.cfg in the Height-directory: Change the number behind the "d" and the "n" to the values you got in day- and night-mode. After disconnecting and starting the TT, you should have a unit behind the number in the navigation-screen, that's the height. And it should only be visible on the navigation-screen.
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