How to install Tomtom 7 on dedicated PNA devices with Window   

How to install Tomtom 7 on dedicated PNA devices with Window

Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:12 am

Installation instructions for WinCE5 64MB PNA devices.

Dedicated device guides.
Mio Moov or Navman
Windows Mobile PDA's

Does not work on WinCE4.2 or WinCE6 devices, Or with WinCE5 devices with screen resolutions larger that 480x272

I know it's possible to install Tomtom 7 on WinCE4.2 and WinCE 6 devices with the aid of Mortscript but to be honest there are far more reliable options out there for these devices like iGO Primo or Garmin Mobile XTCE. Go to the relevent sections on this site for more info.


This process is easier if you have a memory card in your device and a card reader in your PC, Or your device supports mass storage mode.
You will not be able to activate your maps on the device via ActiveSync or WMDC.


For the purpose of this tutorial i'm assuming that your device is already unlocked/hacked.

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Extract the navigator folder from the archive to the root of your storage Card or My Flash Disk if your device has no storage card slot.
Now you will need to set your device to run Tomtom to generate the unique .bif files, How to do this will vary from device to device.
You may need to complete the setup procedure (This seems to vary from device to device) Do this and eventually a message will appear saying there are 'no maps.'
Now turn off your device and remove the storage card, or connect to PC if you need to use USB Mass Storage Mode.

Download FastActivate here
Download your required maps here (All new maps)
Download speed cameras from here

Look at the map chart in post #1 of the map thread and select an available map which is compatible with PDA/PNA in the far right column.

If you are in Great Britain, Nederlands or Singapore you will need the LATEST POSTCODES available from the map thread.
Transfer both FastActivate.exe and the map folder to the root of your storage card or My Flash Disk folder, Place the speedcam files for the map region within the map folder, and if you needed the postcode files, Place the files for your map region(s) in a folder called Zip in the root of the device.

Make sure your PC is connected to the internet and run FastActivate.exe from the PC, You only need to click the Maps/Voices/Speedcams button
This will not work if your device is connected via ActiveSync (XP) or Windows Mobile Device Centre (WMDC)(Vista, 7), Use a card reader or USB Mass Storage Mode.
If you have to use ActiveSync or WMDC then copy the map folder, ttnavigator.bif and FastActivate.exe to either a spare storage card or a USB memory key and run FastActivate from there, When FastActivate has finished copy the folders back again, Overwriting where necessary.

When FastActivate reports it has finished reinsert your storage card into your device or disconnect your device from the PC.
Run Tomtom again.
You may need to go through the setup procedure again.

The default language for this version is French. To change it go to page six of the settings, The language icon is an image of three flags.

Setting up the com ports and baud rate is tricky but a lot of devices are COM:2 or 7 Baud rate 4800 or 57600
Tomtom lists the available com ports during the GPS setup It's usually the one with GPS written in it but not in every case, There will sometimes be a TMC port even if your device doesn't have it.

On the map screen tap the area underneath the right hand side of the map where the clock and signal strength is, Then tap the section to the right of the screen where it says 0 satellites or No GPS device.
Tap configure.
Use the arrows to find Other NMEA GPS receiver, Tap select.
Move the slider to select your devices baud rate, Tap done.
Tap on whichever COM port has GPS in it's name, This is not always the case though, Just repeat and try another if it's wrong.
Try Googling "{your devices model name} com port baud rate" if no GPS Device can be found.

If everything is set up correctly the little yellow and black circle will rotate and Poor GPS reception, Are you in a building? will be displayed in the top left corner
Now go outside and wait for a lock, This can take a while the first time.
If the yellow and black circle is rotating but no satellites are found, Or it can see satellites but does not lock, the baud rate is probably wrong.
Tomtom will probably crash with an out of memory error as soon as it locks onto the satellites, Just start Tomtom again.

Frequently Asked Questions...

How do i change the language?
Go to page six of the settings and tap the icon of some flags, Select your desired language from the list.

How do i set the clock?
The clock, and thus the arrival time in most circumstances will always be wrong, just go to status bar preferences and turn them off, If you run another GPS app first the clock is right, I think Tomtom uses whatever time is in the GPS receiver (Not the system time) when it starts and doesn't update it.

Why does it crash with a 'not enough memory' error?
Tomtom will crash with an out of memory error at first satellite lock and when you change the name of the map folder, It will be OK the next time.

Why does Tomtom say 'You cannot use this map on this device'?
Look for the presence of a {map version}.meta.dct in the map folder, If it's not there then map activation has failed, Is your device connected via Activesync/WMDC?
If it is there then check for the presence of ttgo.bif and ttgo.ori, These are related to the mapshare hack and may interfere with map activation, delete them and try again.
Otherwise check that the map is compatible with Tomtom Navigator.

Why does it say 'Tomtom Navigator.exe is not a valid Windows CE application'?
This is common on lower spec devices!
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Completely replace the navigator folder with this one. (Password: navitotal)

Why doesn't Tomtom remember any settings i change?
Tomtom Navigator caches all the disk writes and will save them periodically, If you switch off the device these settings are lost. So use the exit option on page three of the main menu after setting everything up to force Tomtom to save the settings to disk, otherwise you'll have to do them again and again and again!

How do i make a Windows CE shortcut?
Open notepad on your PC and type...
"\My Flash Disk\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe" Which is the path to the executable on your device within quotes, If you're installing on to a memory card the path will start \Storage Card\
Count all the characters 47 in the above example
Arrange the text like this...
47#"\My Flash Disk\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe"
Save the file as...
Tomtom.lnk That's LiNK not INK
Make sure it's Tomtom.lnk and not Tomtom.lnk.txt
Your PC will hide .lnk so you'll just have an icon called Tomtom
If your device calls the drive where Tomtom is installed something else, Subsitute My Flash Disk for it's name.
Or you can use this

Can i use Mapshare?
1, Make a copy of TTNAVIGATOR.BIF and rename it to TTGO.ORI and place it in the root of the drive where the map is installed
2, Download and copy these files to the same root directory [Please Register or Login to download file]
3, Rename your map folder to Map
4, Start Tomtom, NOTE: As the map folder has changed Tomtom will crash!
5, Download and install Tomtom Home
6, Connect your device to the PC when Tomtom Home is open, wait for the connection to be established, NOTE: The device will show as a Tomtom One
7, Click Update my device, You don't need to login so click Don't login now
8, Wait for the updates to be retrieved, As Tomtom Home thinks it's a Tomtom One it will offer updates for it, Unselect everything except Mapshare Updates
9, Click Update and wait, Disconnect when done

Can i use celebrity voices?
Yes, Some need activating and some don't, for best results, only copy the voices that need activating into the Voices folder first, run FastActivate again, then copy in the voices that do not need activating afterwards.
Some non activated voices have number id's that match activated voices, FastActivate will generate a .dct for these and they won't work.

I have a Windows CE6 device and it {insert random problem here}?
But i read a post on another forum that said it was possible, but provided no information on how to do it!
Again, Really..?
There is a workaround that will enable it to work to a degree, but it creates more problems than it solves, Including, but not limited to, No way to save favourites and other map related settings, always starting with the same route in memory, constant corruption leading to a full PC re-installation, etc...
The latest Windows version of Tomtom is over SIX years old now, There are better options out there...

Can i use TTS, ALG, IQ Routes, Truck maps or a V8/9 navcore?

Enjoy your device.

Please PM me if links are dead!
Fatboyfun offline

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