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How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:08 pm

This guide will walk you through patching and managing your NAV3 device.

  • NAV3 device with a compatible software version:
  • 11.805.3066201.530
  • 12.075.3065980.74
  • 12.075.3065980.84
  • 12.075.3065980.94
  • 12.101.1102232.101
  • 12.104.1738032.101
  • 12.105.3134902.101


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  • Any map content you install that you do not actually own will report as requiring "repair" in MyDrive Connect.
  • Do not repair this content, it will delete the maps from your device.
  • Always close MyDrive Connect when running TTActivator because they interfere with each other.

Video Version of Guide:

Watch on

0.05 - Requirements
0:14 - Preparation
0:36 - Installing the patch
1:05 - Installing maps to internal memory
2:03 - Uploading meta to device
2:28 - Installing maps to SD card

Please feel free to pause and rewind at any time, it might be fast at some parts.

Each time you start TTActivator, it is always a good idea to always update the meta codes. This will make sure you have the latest content available to activate.
1. Click on "Tools" and then "Update Meta".
2. It should say that the meta was updated successfully.


Patching your NAV3:
This part only needs to be done once - unless you remove the patch from your device.
1. Plug the NAV3 into your PC. Be sure to close MyDrive Connect.
2. Start TTActivator, it may take a few moments to start up while it reads the device. If the device is not detected, press "Refresh".
3. Click on the "NAV3 Tools" menu and click "Install Patch".


4. Select either the Standard Patch or the Truck Patch (read the description to decide).


5. If you get a "User Account Control" popup, please click "Yes" - this is required for TTActivator to communicate with the NAV3.


The patch will install and the device with automatically reboot.

Uploading the meta to the NAV3:
As explained in the "Install Patch" screen, the device automatically activates content each time it reboots - but you need to supply it with a meta file to actually use!
1. Go to the "NAV3 Tools" menu.
2. Click on the "Upload Meta To Device" button


3. TTActivator will report that the meta was uploaded successfully.

Updating QuickGPSFix:
1. Click on the "QuickGPSFix" menu.
2. Click on the "Update QuickGPSFix" button
3. TTActivator will report that QuickGPSFix was updated successfully.

Installing maps into internal memory:
1. Go to the "Map Downloader" menu.
2. From the "Map Kind/Generation" menu, select "nav3".
3. Select the region/country of your choice from the "Map Country/Region" menu.
4. Change the temporary download folder if you wish.
5. Click on "Download to Device" which will download the maps and install them directly onto your NAV3. TTActivator will warn you if a map cannot be activated (do not bother to install if it cannot be activated).


6. Once the map is installed, reboot your device from the "NAV3 Tools" menu for activation to happen.

Installing maps into SD Card:
1. Go to the "Map Downloader" menu.
2. From the "Map Kind/Generation" menu, select "nav3".
3. Select the region/country of your choice from the "Map Country/Region" menu.
4. Change the temporary download folder if you wish.
5. Click on "Download to Folder" which will download the map and extract it to the folder you choose.


6. Open R-Link Explorer.
7. Click on the open button (Image) and select the TOMTOM.000 file inside your SD card location.
8. On the right-side, navigate to ext000:/common/installed/ and on the left-side, navigate to where you downloaded the map.
9. Drag and drop the map folder from the left side of the screen to the right to transfer the folder over.


10. Close R-Link Explorer, re-insert the SD card into the NAV3 and reboot your device by holding the power button until the drums play (or use the reboot button inside TTActivator).

Updating speed cameras/safety cameras:
1. Go to the "Safety Cam Downloader" menu.
2. Click on the "Easy/Automatic Install" option.
3. Wait while all the activatable speed cameras are installed - please be patient.
4. Once finished, reboot your device from the "NAV3 Tools" menu for activation to happen.

Credit and a big thanks to MSTMS team, master131, Orni and everyone else involved for making all of this possible.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:45 pm

So, from what I am seeing, just to confirm, with my tomtom Go 510, with version app 16.201.2572.311 (27/05/2016), I can't do sh*t.

I might, as well update the device, is that it?

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:03 am


I try a Via 120, I do everything right, but instead of loading the map, I always get that you can’t use this map on this device.
What should I do to accept the uploaded map?

Resolved. Failed to upload meta to device.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:27 am

I just noticed this application, I was trying to install the maps available here only for my XXL type devices. This application downloads the map effortlessly and arranges the necessary operations in a very simple way. Thank you very much to the people who made and shared the application.
Last edited by TahirTopgül on Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:00 am

Check that TTactivator has gotten the latest version of meta.txt.
Here with 6 different computers I only have 2 downloading the correct latest new meta.txt.
All Windows 10 Prof version 20H2 show that problem and in another forum more or less the same problem must have occurred in my opinion,
also there it was not possible to activate the map, the advice was to manually add the latest metas yourself. meta.txt.

The 2 PCs where it was possible to download the latest meta.txt was an iMac 20 inch under Windows 7 and small shareable Acer Notebook with
Windows 10 Home with not the latest updates

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:43 pm

I think the error in copying maps to the memory card is due to the R-Link software. Although I did exactly what was explained from the beginning, the system did not copy, but I am 32 Gb. I used a memory card with memory. First, I formatted the computer and installed it from scratch, thinking that it might be the computer, the operating system Windows and Winrar, and the result was the same copy failed. Then, when you try the memory card with a smaller memory, the map copy is copied without any problems, and the map works when you insert the card into the device.
Last edited by TahirTopgül on Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:21 am

Working with Rlink does take some practice and follow the excellent manual carefully.
What happened to me once that I couldn't find the installed folder on the screen on the right, until now I have no idea what I might have done wrong then,
the solution was to transfer it from the screen left to right.
Stopping the map transfer is not familiar to me.
I would try the same on another computer, as you have at least one extra, I don't assume you live around the corner, otherwise you are very welcome

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:17 pm

TahirTopgül wrote:[...]When I open the application and copy and open the Tomtom 000 file, when I try to copy the map to be loaded to the location of the USR, the copying starts and the copying ends immediately.[...]

I interpret the instructions as copying the map folder to the same folder level that "usr" folder is at--not inside the "usr" folder. That said, I have not been able to get mine to work yet with the microSD card.
fredderf wrote:This guide will walk you through patching and managing your NAV3 device.[...]
7. Click on the open button (Image) and select the TOMTOM.000 file inside your SD card location.

It took me a while to figure out step "7. Click on the open button (Image) and select the TOMTOM.000 file inside your SD card location."-- you actually have to mount the microSD Card directly in the Windowz machine. I was trying for the longest time to figure out why R-Link Explorer could not see the SD Card while it was in my TomTom Via connected by USB. I mean, afterall, TTactivator sees it all just fine so I assumed the same with R-Link Explorer. This could be clarified with an edit the OP @fredderf.
Last edited by BartmanEH on Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:29 pm

pe1agp wrote:Working with Rlink does take some practice and follow the excellent manual carefully.

There's a manual? My installation of RLink Explorer v1.4.1 doesn't seem to have any such thing.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:35 am

read the very first post in this thread, please

It's NOT only about TTActivator ! !


Try to use a direct USB port to your computer, don't make use of an USB hub.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:43 pm

pe1agp wrote:read the very first post in this thread, please

I'm not really sure how this is helpful. I posted twice with the first of the two posts very clearly outlining that I was following the steps of the 'very first post in this thread' and even provided helpful clarification of one of the steps for the edification of future readers. I will move on assuming that your reference to 'the excellent manual' is actually a reference to the excellent tutorial in the first post.

Meanwhile, my problems continue. I have successfully used R-Link Explorer to get a map onto the microSD Card. What's not clear (for future readers) is that although the tutorial outlines the steps for how to work with a nav3 device directly connected to Windowz via USB, the steps for getting a map onto a microSD Card require that the microSD Card be pulled out of the device and made available as a removable drive device somehow to Windows by using a USB microSD Card adapter, for example. This is not clear at all.

Having figured that out, I was able to copy on a map folder:
After many minutes, the copy operation completed. Closing R-Link Explorer results in another wait of several minutes while it properly closes and save the virtual drive files. A subsequent re-opening of R-Link Explorer confirms that the map folder is there:
Before re-inserting the microSD Card into the device, I used TTactivator, again, to install meta.txt (which I manually verified to have the meta codes needed) and then unmounted the microSD Card from Windows and inserted it into the device and rebooted it by long press of power button and hearing the 'drums' sounds, the device reports "SD Card empty" and it does not let me choose the map from it.

I have been successful with TTactivator to install a smaller map into the internal memory of the Via device but I cannot get a larger map into the memory card.

Update: I got a map to work on microSD Card by using a laptop with native Windowz--it seems R-Link Explorer was not happy writing to the USB memory card reader as a pass-through device to a Windowz Virtual Machine on my Mac.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:46 pm

I don,t understand your point to use a microSD adapter is not clear at all you said
if I look to the movie then I see

Movie time:

2.31 min.
You do not need to plug in NAV3 to download maps for SD Card
3.01 min
Ensure your SD card is connected to your PC using a
SD card reader.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:52 pm

YouTube videos are blocked on our machines so I was following the step-by-step tutorial. It doesn't say anything about using an SD Card reader, it simply says:
6. Open R-Link Explorer.
7. Click on the open button (Image) and select the TOMTOM.000 file inside your SD card location.
and these steps come right after having performed steps with the nav3 device connected by USB.

Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:08 pm

BartmanEH wrote:YouTube videos are blocked on our machines

You should watch the video...I've uploaded it for you here:

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Re: How to update & patch TomTom NAV3 Devices

Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:30 pm

As I noted in the edit to my post, I have figured it all out. Thanks everyone for your help. Hopefully others will benefit from my struggles and lessons learned documented here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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