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Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:01 pm

Just check the solder points again. Maybe bad connections?
On OpenTom there is a howto PDF file ([Please Register or Login to download file] ).
located here ([Please Register or Login to download file] ).
Soldering an SD card to a TomTom V4 certainly works!
Now I have 4GB of internal memory with a soldered SD card!

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:38 pm

The link does not work, I'd like to read this tutorial. I have one tomtom XL very old :022:

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:35 pm

fabiodu wrote:The link does not work

I don't see a problem with the link. Try again, please.

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:14 pm

Hi Downunder35m

I read the tutorial and I wanted to try this on my TomTom XL LIVE IQ.
So i opened up my TomTom and I started to compare the motherboard from the tutorial with my own motherboard.
I see that CMD, DATA0, DATA2, DATA3 en DATA1 are identical!
But CLK, GND en VDD are a little bit different, although the interface looks quite similar.
In the picture below I named the points that I think are the correct ones.
Can an expert confirm this please? :bs_quesexclaim:

Comparison of the motherboard from the tutorial with my own motherboard:

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:24 am

Can't really see enough detail to make a judgement but if the points are the same as per the tut I see no problem.

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:10 am

I will try to upload a higher quality picture.
It is really appreciated if you want to take a look at it and let me know what are the correct pins. :)

This are the pictures at original resolution (hopefully detailed enough, let me know if not please).
The VDD image was too blurry so I shot another picture of it.
My motherboard 1

My motherboard 2

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:43 am

Would say it looks good, should be no problem adding a SD card :)

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:43 am

Thank you for your reply Downunder35m.

Can you please take another look at the images shown below?
I named the points that I think are the correct ones but as already said, only CMD, DATA0, DATA2, DATA3 en DATA1 are an identical match.
Just to make sure I solder the correct points... :023:
Your help is really appreciated man! :032:

Picture 1:
Picture 2:
(This is the most detail I can shoot with my current camera.)
I think "CMD, DATA0, DATA2, DATA3 and DATA1" are correct because they are identical.
But "CLK, GND and VDD" are not identical to the tutorial.

1. I think "CLK" is either the blue or the yellow line, please tell me which one. If none of them, please tell me what point is "CLK".
2. I think "GND" is correct because it is the same component as in the tutorial, although it is in another place. Is this correct?
3. Also for "VDD" it looks different as in the tutorial. I did a guess but I am not sure. Is that the correct pin?

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:12 pm


Can you please answer my questions? :001:
Thank you in advance! ;)

Kind regards

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:36 pm

You have to check the circuit connections carefully!
CLK iswrong!
As you can see in the original image it is connected to the second resistor in that row.
So you have to go down a bit with the yellow. Under the blue and to the left is correct.
Vdd is correct.
Sorry for the late resonse, it seems I missed your previous posting.

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:01 am

I'm about to try adding 4GB microSD to XXL 540TM w/IQ Routes.
Here's my circuit layout. Very similar layout to the tutorial.


I'd appreciate a lookover of my analysis.
Wish me luck!

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:23 pm

I never had one of those to try but it looks alright.
Good quality pics too, a lot of user will like it!

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited int

Thu May 12, 2016 6:01 am


Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited

Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:27 pm

please re upload pictures from tutorial

Re: How to use maps >2GB on devices without SD slot/limited

Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:01 am

dbrunt wrote:I'm about to try adding 4GB microSD to XXL 540TM w/IQ Routes.
Here's my circuit layout. Very similar layout to the tutorial.


I'd appreciate a lookover of my analysis.
Wish me luck!

Hi All, can anybody confirm these pin assignments are correct?
I would love to give this a try, but it would be nice if it was verified 1st.

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