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Important note for Tomtom models like VIA52/62, Start40 etc

Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:43 pm

Since there are new postings popping up with questions like :
Can I install... on my VIA52, Go500 ...
I will tell you on which models nothing like "crack", "hack", "activate", "copy" or "patch" can be applied :

GO Essential
GO 500/510/520/620/5200/6200
GO 6000 Series
Via 52/62 Series
PRO 9100
Start 40/45/50/52/55 Series
Sony XNV

[size=100][b]To speak in correct and noob-free terms:

The above models and all other/upcoming models based on Navcore use a modified Linux filesystem, which can not be accessed by the user
other than using the "MyDrive" application for PC/Mac.
[color=#ff0000]This means neither is it possible to copy/install any files to these models, nor is it possible to patch these Navcores.

(Note: It is basically possible to patch the installation files before they are installed on the device, but it is still useless until there is a way to access the filesystem from the PC/Mac)

If there is any change you will be notified in this posting.
In case you still have questions in these regards, ask them in this thread and don't start a new thread in the forum!

Update (based on info from the guys at
These new models use a USB over Ethernet connection.
So on any fully equipped PC they should show up in your network or as a new network.
You can also use the Linux console for access - at least for the Start20, but that involves soldering inside the gutts of your device and is not realy an option.

After you install MyDrive the first time you should find a content file inside C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\TomTom\HOME3\cache
There is some added data for every 100kb of data but a Linux script can correct that:

#clear content: removes the extra bytes from content1 so you can extract the
#content using cpio. The clear file is "dest.dat"


rm $DEST
rm $TMP

#the 29 first byte are not included in the 100KB + 20B format
tail -c +29 content1 > $SOURCE

while [ -s $SOURCE ];
head -c 102400 $SOURCE >> $DEST
tail -c +102421 $SOURCE > $TMP

ls -l *.dat

[size=85]Now it can be unpacked for example by using cpio -i -d < dest.dat
The root file system can now be mounted or unsquashed using unsquashfs

When the device is connected to the PC you have an active ethernet connection with ports 21, 22 and 80 open.
If you use the SSH connection you need the certificate located in c:\Program Files\MyDrive\Resources\TT_root_sign_cert crt.dat
It seems so far the only acces is to
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[Please Register or Login to download file]
[Please Register or Login to download file]
[Please Register or Login to download file]
[Please Register or Login to download file]
[Please Register or Login to download file] [/noparse]
but it might be start and give others users with more knowledge some help.

Spoiler: Show
How to transfer content from your old device to your NC10 TT and how to use third party POI's]Getting POI's and even transfering content from an old TT to a new is not a problem, there are even programs for it.
[Please Register or Login to download file]
There is also a step by step tut for adding content (incl. third party POI's) on the [Please Register or Login to download file]

Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:00 pm

just want to double check, the
TomTom XL LIVE IQ Routes, XL IQ, and XXL versions are ok to update?

Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:30 pm

vim wrote:hi
just want to double check, the
TomTom XL LIVE IQ Routes, XL IQ, and XXL versions are ok to update?

Only the units in the list are affected.

Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:29 pm

Hi Guys, what about Carminat Tomtom Live.
The newests Carminats in Renault have navcore version Live 10 ou 11...
We still can't use cracked maps in it, right?

Best Regards from Tedioboy.

Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:29 am

There is a dedicated thread for the Carminat Live problem ;)

Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:05 am

Downunder35m wrote:The above models and all other/upcoming models based on Navcore use a modified Linux filesystem, which can not be accessed by the user
other than using the "MyTomTom" application for PC/Mac.
This means neither is it possible to copy/install any files to these models, nor is it possible to patch these Navcores.
(Note: It is basically possible to patch the installation files before they are installed on the device, but it is still useless until there is a way to access the filesystem from the PC/Mac)

If there is any change you will be notified in this posting.

Anyone here interested in trying "fix" this problem?

I bought a 1000/2405 yesterday and was pissed when I discovered the device was not visible as a Windows drive. However, MyTomTom can talk to it, so it is obviously possible to do so. I've learned a very little bit about how it does this, which I will post here. If anyone else is interested in this project, I suggest we work together.

The little I have learned

With MyTomTom running, it listens for TomToms on by default.

If you connect a TomTom, there is initial back and forth on Soon thereafter a second connection is established. This one is on an [Please Register or Login to download file] virtual ethernet link that serves as the TomTom connection to Windows.

On my computer, the TomTom has the address, and the RNDIS virtual adapter has The RNDIS adapter is used by by a number of (system) processes other than MyTomTom, which may or may not matter. I don't know yet.

I am presently capturing a navcore and a map update between MyTomTom and my new gps on both and I won't look at the captures until they are finished, but will post anything I learn.

Some bad news

The popular packet sniffer Wireshark can't sniff the Windows loopback interface because of the way the loopback interface is wedged into the network stack. It can sniff the RNDIS interface, but it is hard to get the initial traffic. That may or may not matter, don't know yet.

There are some Windows workarounds mentioned on the Wireshark wiki, but they are unappealing so I have not yet tried them.

Some potential good news

Wireshark can sniff the loopback interface on Macs, so anyone with a Mac has the benefit of all of [Please Register or Login to download file] delicious gui niceness and smarts. Mac's probably don't use RNDIS either, which is a bonus.

My current setup

I'm keeping an eye on TCP ports with NirSoft's CurrPorts [Please Register or Login to download file] . A [Please Register or Login to download file] is available too.

I'm using a simple command line program, [Please Register or Login to download file] , to capture packets on both interfaces.

Once I have finished the capture, I will start drilling through the packets with Wireshark [Please Register or Login to download file] . It is also available in a [Please Register or Login to download file] version.

More in the next few days.

Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:51 pm

xenupuppy wrote:Anyone here interested in trying "fix" this problem?

Good Luck!!!! The best in the business have been trying to "fix" this since September 2010, with NO SUCCESS!!!!!!

Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:44 am

That does not mean that there is nothing to learn.
We try to "hack" the NC and activation process, getting correct and detailed info on the data is transfered between the device and the TT servers is something we can't do.
So far we have no backups that would allow a map update or at least a re-install of the original map using the MYTT app.
Also it might be helpful to have all the connections, ports and addresses uses during thoses updates. In a later stage this info might be useful to create a connection used by a patcher.
I know it is hard work and any help from experienced users is welcome, although it seems there not enough people to crack 2048bit RSA code :(

Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:39 pm

New info available in the first post!

Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:17 am

Added some info on how to copy content from an old TT to a new NC10 based model.

Of the new for Tomtom Via?

Thu May 23, 2013 12:25 pm

Hello, my English is bad, excuse me.
As the subject is old (!), in the date of May, 2013, has it there an evolution for Tomtom Via?
Can one change the map?
Thank you

Edit by mod: If there would be progress we would not keep it to ourselves, but post the information.

Re: Important note for new Tomtom models like VIA, Start20/25, Go1xxx - please read!

Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:46 am

just read through some of your posts here - any1 able to confirm that file access is not possible with
With Paragon ExtFS for Windows®, you can smoothly work with a Linux native file system using Windows
Full compatibility with Ext2/3/4 drives and partitions
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guess you all tried that already, and its all tcp stack, still strange cause there has to be access to the filesystem, just not through the built in usb port the way linux is set up. sorry for all those stupid questions, but i haven't got such a fancy new device.

Re: Important note for new Tomtom models like VIA, Start20/25, Go1xxx - please read!

Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:04 pm

momo.cassiopeia wrote:guess you all tried that already, and its all tcp stack, still strange cause there has to be access to the filesystem, just not through the built in usb port the way linux is set up. sorry for all those stupid questions, but i haven't got such a fancy new device.

downunder mentions in his opening post the following open ports on the tcp connection: 21 (ftp controll), 22 (ssh) and 80 (http server).
most likely it works a follows.
mydrive uses the xml files (these store device and setup information) the device serves over the http server (port 80).
to update the maps it uses the ftp server.
and ssh is used to get full access to the system, it provides a shell (command line) connection over a very secure connection (it can also provide a tunnel for example for a ftp file transfer), so it can execute commands on the device.
everything they need is there, just it makes it a lot harder to mess around with the device.

Re: Important note for new Tomtom models like VIA, Start20/25, Go1xxx - please read!

Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:56 pm

Hi all,
I realise that this thread may be old (apart from the last technical posts) but as I have just got a Via 135 (in a vain attempt to use it on my motorbike via Bluetooth- Doh) I thought I might as well use it in my car and move my old HTC Sensation (running tomtom android) as my motorbike Bluetooth sat nav. So I wanted to confirm (if possible) a few details.
I realise that the 135 is fairly locked down and what changes you can do have to be done using mydrive, so my questions are:

1) Can you can change the map colours for 3rd party ones ( I have some custom map schemes on the android) so long as they are .clr ?

2) the same for the car image ( on the android if its a permanent choice it has to be named default) ?

3) can I only change the voices from the TT website or can I use the 3rd party ones I have on the android?

4) I have the speed camera alerts on the 135 can I get them working at all on the android ? (pretty sure I cant)

5) Presuming the above is no is there a 3rd party database PGPSW or SCDB that can run on both the 135 and android (even if its as POI with alerts) but must have audio ?

Many thanks in advance. I have spent all day searching and although I have many answers its always best to have them confirmed.

Re: Important note for new Tomtom models like VIA, Start20/25, Go1xxx - please read!

Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:55 pm

stringman_uk wrote:I have spent all day searching and although I have many answers its always best to have them confirmed.

To be honest, there is so little that can be done with these units, we have not bothered to build any sort of a data base on them.
For your android questions, go here: android-navigation-f162/
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