huszonnegy wrote:I wasnt sure if Via Live is "Via series" too.
SoldierLTU wrote:Is there still no way to put on Europe Truck Maps on VIA (Via 135 to be specific) ?
undertherain wrote:No news to update VIA 130 TomTom maps?
tendriver wrote:See post #49!!
smnafo wrote:1. I was reading the topics and could understand that this new version of gps cant be "broken" (to add a new map for free).
2. But the maps at tomtom website are too expensive.
3. Can you help me with a solution, like explaining to me if I can add a map using one of your links...and if I can add them, which arquives do I need to download to be able to do it
4. (I am sorry but I am a kind of dumb with technologies and really can not understand which files should I download or which kind of features my gps has...)?
tendriver wrote:3. There isn't a "free" solution. Pay is the only way, be it full price or a package deal of some sort.
Razorblatter wrote:Paying the full amount is not the only way.
xenupuppy wrote:Wireshark can sniff the loopback interface on Macs, so anyone with a Mac has the benefit of all of Wireshark's delicious gui niceness and smarts. Mac's probably don't use RNDIS either, which is a bonus.
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