Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)   

Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)

Postby Downunder35m » Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:29 am

We all found postings like:
"I'm a delivery guy and need to find the best route on my TT or Garmin"

At least for the high end models Garmin offers such features now but for us, the poor normal guys it is hard to impossible.
For a while I experimented with spread sheets and Google maps to get the optimisation over the coordinates, but as you guess the crow does not fly like you drive a car :(
There are several solutions on the market that offer "perfect" routes but they are either costly or can nothing more than calculate a nice round trip.
Asking around I was always directed to Tyre, a program that plans routes on the PC and trnsfers them to your GPS, but only the professional version offers routes suitable for, let's say a delivery guy.
Usually you don't have to plan the route on the go, so a sftware for the PC would be ideal if Google or OPSM would be included.
Transfering the route or creating of suitable files for your device is a must.
Again I was stuck finding anything to work for free, is available with "medicine" or easy to use.

But the search is over and everyone that has to plan multistop routes or deliver a lot of stuff can plan the trip and transfer the route to the TT or Garmin.
Check the [Please Register or Login to download file] website.
Simply use the bulk entry to list your addresses, start first, finnish last,
click on "Add list of locations" - important!!
and now either click on the roundtrip or the A-Z trip to get an optimized route.
You can export the trip to view in Google maps, optimal address order, or export for Garmin and TT - apart from a few other options that are not so relevant.
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Re: Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)

Postby imaswine » Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:46 pm

Thanks for this, just what I need and I am surprised that I haven't noticed it before now.
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Re: Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)

Postby tstle » Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:58 pm

Been busy with this also for a long time.

Is there a way to see just the map frame from optimap so i can send it easily to my tablet using chrome to phone? Too bad it also wants to calculate a route before giving export options..

If I could just see the adresses on my android tablet plotted on a map it would be already great.
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