ah-b wrote:I found the chart informative and extremely useful for all of us.
I downloaded the pdf file (chart17.8.10.pdf) both at home and in office, unfortunately both of which was unable to be opened (corrupted?). I used Acrobat 7.0 Prof to access the above pdf file but was unsuccessful. It is for your kind information please.
mrlongest wrote:TomTom ONE XL - there are 3 versions with different internal memories that I'm aware of, viz...
4S00.000 1 GB,
4S00.006 there’s no internal memory because the included SD card contains all the data, and
4S00.007 512 MB.
You may wish to update your chart accordingly...
chuunarusamurai wrote:what is a tomtom XL 335 se considered as?
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