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Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:22 pm

Lately there are more and more postings with a question about the same problem...
The new 9.4xx Navcore (and some older V9 as well) will cause many XL models to go silent when computer voices are used,
a few won't even play recoreded voices anymore.
There is a very simply check that you should perform if you think you are affected:
Make a full backup using the Windows Explorer (safety first! ;) ),
connect to TT Home and check if you can download any computer voice for your device - you might have to log in to your account for that.
If Home does not offer you any computer voice it means that your device has no offical support for TTS.

Spoiler: Show
Read if you want to know the details, otherwise skip
The new Navcore perform a check on the device and if the model is incompatible the TTS system will be disabled.
Also the newer XL models have a similar check hardware based that will cause most Navcores, patched the normal way or SE, to fail to provide TTS support.
For older NC's only the so called model ID was used, for example 25 for the X30 series,
newer NC's now also utilise the sound model ID, usually it will match the model ID but if an emulation is used the sound model won't change,
this results in a mismatch of sound model ID and model ID, effectively disabling the TTS system.
It is quite obvious that behind all that is a simple marketing strategy...
XL models offer a big screen for low money, since the hardware is often still good enough TT had to find a way to block the normal ways of enabling the TTS system.
Really old TT devices like the 300, 500 or even the normal ONE are not affected as the hardware is based on entirely different platfroms.

Since you bothered reading this I have to assume that you already tried some Navcores and your device still wont talk to you ;)
Go to the Navcore section and check my 9.485 thread.
Read the info and instruction carefully!
Choose the version that suits your model and in 99% of cases you will get everything working that you need and your models can support.

Update: All my installers now support the XL models, so please use the Universal Navcore Installer for the latest Navcores.

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:14 pm

Welcome to Navitotal!!
English Only, PLEASE!!

Super Mod.

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:55 pm

Your post has been edited.

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:23 am

Hello there. Thank you so much for your detailed tutorials. I have a problem with voice on TomTomOneXL.

I only ask this as your link to the 9.485 thread is not working and therefore I cannot read it.

What I did:
updated Navcore as directed
copy computer voice as directed
updated map and activated as directed

Then, it says no voice available for the current language. I then copied the SOUND directory from my previous backup back onto the SD card (as I started with a blank SD card as your tutorial states).

It then detects the voice fine, but forces it to go through bluetooth!? Says need bluetooth connected. I do not have bluetooth nor do I know much about it.

So, started again from backup - did not update navcore and just update map, then fastactivate map.

Questions are:
1) is there any way to force normal sound (not bluetooth) with the updated navcore?
2) is what I've done (just updating map, not navcore) correct?

Thank you and I enjoyed the song that came with your navcore updater :034:

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:21 am

There should be no such issues.
But for the XL there is a version in the installer to counteract sound problems - did you try it?
Otherwise if you have the sound related folders on the device already when using the installer it should include all voices and such.

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:56 pm

Oooo. The NAVcore that I tried to install was 9.500 rider for 32mb because honestly, I had no idea which one to install. Maybe rider means forced bluetooth?

I can see now there is a 9.510 for the XL series silly me. So I will try this tonight, when I get home from work! Will let you know - exciting!

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:42 am

Hello there,

unfortunately voices still did not work, but I managed a manual work-around! What I did:

1) unpacked the Australian LoquendoTTS voice onto SD card
2) copy ttgo to sd card
3) installed Navcore (XL one this time!)
4) installed Aus map
5) fastactivate all

Still says voices are not available for the language. So, I had to copy the VOICES directory from my previous backup. The SD card still did not have a voices directory. The unpacked Susan_6.9.1 does not actually put a voices directory to the SD card, so lucky I have it backed up.

Now with the Voices directory copied from backup the sound is working! The navcore seems updated and all is working. Just writing this in case anyone else has problems with no voice on the XL :023:

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Tue May 11, 2021 7:57 pm

I like to report that the link to 9.485 thread ... st-devices does not work.

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Tue May 11, 2021 8:23 pm

Vaako wrote:@Downunder35m
I like to report that the link to 9.485 thread ... st-devices does not work.

After nearly 9 years! I'm not surprised as that really is OLD stuff!

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Wed May 12, 2021 12:06 pm

Vaako wrote:@Downunder35m
I like to report that the link to 9.485 thread ... st-devices does not work.

Now fixed thanks but as biggerdave says, it is quite old now

Re: Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:29 pm

If you do not have a backup of the navigation sounds of your device, you can download standard sounds or computer sounds from and install them in the location of the device with other sounds, or you can completely wipe the device and reinstall it with Tomtom Home software. Before resetting the device, back up the files you intend to use. In addition, for other types of audio files, you can add sounds, icons, cameras by using the BBS_Tools_Light application on [Please Register or Login to download file] . The easiest way to activate your downloads can be done with TTACTIVATOR in uploading maps to Nav3 devices in the Tomtom tutorials section on Thank you for this, directly to the respectable and nice person fredderf, and all those who contributed to this opportunity.
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