TomTom Start NavCore 8 to NavCore 9 upgrade, sound working   

TomTom Start NavCore 8 to NavCore 9 upgrade, sound working

Postby mattman » Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:58 am

Got it working!!! TomTom Start upgraded to full NavCore 9 with sound working. :thumbup:

My Tomtom Start was from New Zealand, purchased around Oct 2010. Started as: App: 8.544 (1836/091016) OS: 367764 64MB RAM, GPS: v1.20, Boot: 5.5238

Kudos to Mireille for this. I just added the following few additional instructions:
Download the goods from: [Please Register or Login to download file]

1a) Robocopy Backup all files & folders from original device onto a backup folder on computer
1b) Format device (full format, takes 10mins) ** ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE A GOOD BACKUP!!!
1c) Download & Extract clean original Navcore to root of device: [Please Register or Login to download file]
1d) Copy your map and \voices from backup to the device (eg. my NZ map is "\New_Zealand")
1e) delete mapsettings file from inside your map directory (eg. inside the folder "\New_Zealand" or whatever map(s) you have)
1f) After doing the other steps below, you may need to do a Reset on the TomTom. The reset button is hidden under the outer case, so you need to remove the case. Instructions in here: [Please Register or Login to download file]

=== BEGIN Mireille Instructions -==========================================================================================
This is v2.0.0-pre of Navcore9-Mireille-Edition (ME)


WARNING: Backup your device before playing with this !!!!

What you get in *ALL* emulation mode:
- Automatic night/day switching linked to sun position
- Sound volume linked to speed
- Navcore 9 3-panes status bar
- x40 Look and feel
- Working sound on Tomtom Start (those who tried other navcores on Start know what it means)
- TTS even if your device doesn't support it out of the box
* No vocalizer runtime nor any voices are included in this release, you have to get them somewhere else
* No Loquendo runtime nor any voices are included in this release, you have to get them somewhere else
* Install only one of loquendo or vocalizer not both at the same time

1- Prerequisites

This is intended to work with a clean original navcore 9.051 or later (not SE). If you can, install
the latest navcore 9.x recommended by TomTom for your device (if your device doesn't have an
official nc9, install a 9.201)

2- Installation
Follow the next 3 steps to get a working installation

a-Common files:
On top of your official navcore 9.x, copy all the files from the 0-Common directory to the root
of your device (some chk files and ttn will be replaced, mireille directory will be added)

b-Choose a Navigator:
From one of the "1-xxxx" directories choose a Navigator file matching your needs.
Copy all the files from the selected directory to the root of your device.
=> "1-Normal Navcore": compatible with small screen
=> "1-Wide screen navcore" for big screen devices
=> "1-Normal Navcore with TMC disabled for TMC-less docks" for people annoyed by the
traffic bar when they put their TT on a dock without TMC support

c-Choose an emulation:
From one of the "2-xxxx" directories choose a set of features
Copy all the files from the selected directory to the root of your device.
If you wan to keep your original device set of features go directly to step-d.

That's it !

!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!
You need to copy the 0-xxxx, ONE 1-xxxx and optionally ONE 2-xxxx directory for the installation to be complete
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!

!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!
Also erase your mapsettings file in your map directory (keeping a previous mapsettings
may cause reboot problems if your previous navcore is too different from this one)
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!

!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!

3- TTS
There are a lot of errors and misinformation carried about TTS on forums. Here are some help:
* Both Vocalizer and Loquendo 6/7 runs on 32Meg devices (no need to get 64Meg)
=> I tested myself Loquendo7 with this release on a TomTom Start
* Loquendo6/7 is much more cpu instensive than Vocalizer.
=> This can cause delays on directions with devices running a 266Mhz CPU

So why are they so many people complaining that Loquendo isn't working on their device ?
Very simple: there is a "protection" on the Loquendo6/7 runtime preventing it to run on
devices that don't originally support TTS.
=> If you use an unpatched Loquendo on a device that doesn't support TTS "out of the box" you only get silence

On top of that, and to make things more messy, TTUser's "SE Navcore" embed for some of them a Loquendo7 runtime
that has been patched to workaround this protection. The patch is crappy and cause these loquendo
runtimes to work *ONLY* if you use SE navcore.
=> You will get silence with a normal navcore even if your device supports TTS out of the box.

So no wonder, why the loquendo "packs" you find here and there work randomly for you.

If your device supports loquendo out of the box => Use TomTom's provided runtime voices
If your device doesn't support loquendo out of the box => Use TomTom's provided runtime voices with the
patch in "5-Optional-Loquendo7 crack" directory
ORIGINALLY SUPPORT TTS (otherwise it will fail)

Vocalizer has no protection, and works all the time.

4- Tweaking
Here is some words in order for all to speak the same language:
- Feature mode (directories 1-xxxx): gives the feature-set of a given existing TT device.
This can be changed through the modelid file in the mireille/config directory.
There are 3 examples in the package ME. It's not exactly the same as emulation mode
in SE navcore world (see below)

- Sound path mode: change the sound system to mimic the sound behavior of a given
existing TT device. This can be changed through the soundmodelid file in the mireille/config directory.
Current default setup for soundmodelid is (if you don't create a soundmodelid file):
soundmodelid will be equal to the feature mode modelid except for TT Start where it will be foreced to TT Start mode.

- Differences beetwen SE's world "emulation mode" and ME's "feature mode": In ME world some features are always present whatever the feature-set of TT device says (for instance navcore9 look, Sound linked to speed ....). See the beginning of the readme file for a list.

NB: This PNDNAvigator is also map patched with standard tomtom map hack.

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