holyhead wrote:mrlongest wrote:Apologies for this late response - family got in the way! Followed your advice for my ONE XL and
• Initially after a few minutes it found around 5 satellites but took another 5 minutes or so to fix 3 of them.
• Then after more time (hours – left on over lunch) many (>5 <9) satellites now fixed. Good result eventually.
• On startup, even with updated QuickGPSfix, took just over 3 minutes to find and fix 6 satellites. But that’s acceptable.
• Couldn’t locate the menu display showing battery charge state.
The inability to find any menu entry to see the battery charge state is annoying to say the least. Can another 'skin' be applied to make this available? If so how do I do that?
Also I'd like to have the auto-start function available. The following references are seen on the German Digital Eliteboard for the ONE XL 32mb model. "Auto-start NC 9.510", "TT Navcore 9.541_ WNRO-Fix_32MB-Ram auto-an" and "NC 9.541_ WNRO-Fix_32MB-Ram mit auto-an-Funktion". But I've been unsuccessful in locating the download source for any of those NCs on that Eliteboard forums or anywhere else. Can somebody body help me with that please?
Many thanks
PS Would this post be better placed in a more appropriate sub-forum? Please advise/arrange.
Give it a try I don,t know if it works
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mrlongest wrote:[...]the WNRO Ultimate Solution with auto-on was applied to both of my GO 920s and still works most successfully on both.[...]But go ahead with upgrading your GO 920. It's very worthwhile!
But surely it did? You reported that gps fix was taking too long but subsequently fredderf pointed to the WNRO thread about updating the GPS firmware to v3.2.5/v3.6.0 which fixes the gps fix time, right?mrlongest wrote:Overcoming the WNRO problem didn't help.
I'll PM you a google drive link if I need it, thanks. One problem I have is that I'm on a Mac and it looks like the navcore installer is a Windowz .exemrlongest wrote:I'd be prepared to share my GO 920 backup folder with you if I knew of an easy way to do that.
mrlongest wrote:Does this NC suit both the GO x10...family and the ONE XL TTs?
morris8cars wrote:[...]you can go back if it fails but how do I do this if so. can you explain as dont want to break TT.
ttgo.bif states GPSFirmwareVersion=GSW3.2.4TT_3.1.00.12-C35B1.02
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